Porcelain Crowns


For most teeth, Dr. Gentry’s first choice for type of crown is Bruxzir Solid Zirconia. This of course depends on the clinical situation and exactly what would be best for each individual patient.

BruxZir® Solid Zirconia is made from virtually unbreakable, biocompatible zirconia. Because BruxZir dental zirconia has no porcelain overlay, it is more resistant to chipping, cracking or breaking in the mouth. This makes BruxZir ideal for bruxers and grinders, who have broken their natural teeth or porcelain restorations in the past.

Dentists have long relied on full-cast gold and porcelain metal crowns & bridges for long-term durability and strength. But with the introduction of BruxZir, an equally strong solution is now available to use in most situations. What’s more, when compared side-by-side to full-cast gold and porcelain metal crowns, BruxZir zirconia crowns are the most natural-looking choice. This is what Dr. Gentry has in his own mouth.

1. Broken down teeth prepared for Dr. Gentry’s crowns.


2. Porcelain crowns cemented on the 2 upper bicuspid teeth. Notice the last upper crown is an old technology PFM crown that has worn through the porcelain in the middle on top.



Another example of one of Dr. Gentry’s crowns:


