Tag Archives: dentist

Dental care during the holidays


It’s true that sugar does cause cavities, but it’s not the sugar directly. The naturally occurring streptococcus bacteria that live in our mouths consume the sugar, ferment it, and produce acid such as lactic acid. It is these acids that cause demineralization of the teeth and the formation of cavities. So it’s actually the acid from the bacteria in plaque in our mouth that eats holes in our teeth and causes cavities.

What’s Worse Pie or Mints?

Here’s the interesting part, it’s not the total amount of sugar we eat, but the total amount of time the sugar is in contact with our teeth. It’s preferable to have a piece of pumpkin pie with a scoop of ice cream for Thanksgiving dessert, than to sip on a soda all afternoon. It is better to have a few sugar cookies, or slice of Christmas apple pie, than to repeatedly sip coffee with sugar all morning long. One Altoids mint or cough drop per hour throughout the day is 10 times more cavity producing than one big piece of cake for dessert, even though the cake has much more sugar and calories.

Brush & Floss

The repeated cycles of eating sugar and acid formation is the key to the problem. It’s the frequency, or the amount of time the sugar is in the mouth, not the total amount of sugar. So enjoy a few nice (and quick) holiday desserts, just please make sure to brush and floss after every meal and visit your dentist regularly.Philip Gentry

Crown case of the day

For this patient today, I removed 2 porcelain fused to metal crowns that she recently had done in El Salvador, cleaned up the decay underneath,  polished her other teeth, and  placed 2 beautiful new zirconia crowns. She was so happy and has a beautiful smile for Christmas :-)))

removed old crowns and decay
after placing new crowns
happy patient
zirconia crowns

Crown, and post and core case of the day

This patient today  broke off his upper lateral incisor. We discussed the different restorative options. I told him I would try to save the root and build a tooth back up for him and place a crown. The tooth had a root canal many years ago. I drilled out the canal and cemented a titanium post inside the canal and build the tooth up. I prepared the tooth and made and cemented a zirconium crown over the build-up.

before-broken tooth
titanium post x-ray
canal cleaned
post cemented/tooth built-up
before-fractured off tooth


Bridge case of the day

This patient had a non-restorable decayed upper first molar tooth. I recommended a bridge since his adjacent teeth already had crowns on them. We extracted the infected molar and placed a temporary bridge. Following healing I prepared the adjacent teeth and fabricated and cemented a fixed 3 unit zirconia porcelain bridge. Here’s the before and after pictures.

after bridge
X-ray of infected tooth
photo of decayed tooth
zirconia bridge
view of inside
happy patient :-)))

beforebridge afterbridge

Implant/crown case of the day

This 32 year old female patient was missing her upper left lateral incisor and the right lateral incisor was fractured. Today I restored the missing lateral incisor with a BioHorizons titanium dental implant, custom abutment, porcelain crown and broken incisor with a porcelain crown.

implant1  implant2  implant3  implant4  implant5  implant6                         implantx-ray  9    customshade3        customshade2

Implant case of the day

This patient had a fractured upper first bicuspid tooth that needed to be extracted. I restored her tooth with a Zimmer Biomet 3i Encode screw retained dental implant. Here are my clinical photos of the crown delivery today.

Encode healing abutment
screw retained implant crown
filling placed in access opening
implant crown, gold screw and torque wrench
final x-ray
digital design scan