Today’s emergency fractured front teeth quick fixes.
Today’s emergency fractured front teeth quick fixes.
The first two patients I saw today chipped the same front right central incisor biting into a chicken bone. The third one chipped her lower right incisor biting into a sandwich. The last patient grinds his teeth and fractured the edge off his upper left central incisor. I restored each these teeth in about a half hour, for each one, with bonded ceramic composite restorations. Here are the before and after photos taken 30 minutes apart.
This patient had an old amalgam filling with recurrent decay. I removed the filling and decay and placed a beautiful ceramic composite restoration.
This first patient had a large deep cavity on the inside (lingual surface) of her upper lateral incisor. The decay extended under the gum-line and the pulp was necrotic. We discussed treatment options and could have extracted the tooth and placed an implant, but I felt we could save this tooth with a root canal and composite build-up.
The next patient had a cavity on his upper molar. I quickly and easily removed the decay and placed a composite restoration.