Tag Archives: immediate partial denture

Immediate partial denture case this afternoon

This patient’s upper front teeth and old fixed bridge broke off. We discussed treatment options. Since the teeth were decayed and badly broken down, I recommended extracting them and making an immediate provisional partial denture. Following healing we can do crown lengthening periodontal surgery and make a fixed bridge from canine to canine or make her a final partial denture. I extracted the teeth and delivered the immediate provisional partial denture during the same 1 hour visit this afternoon.





immediate-partial      extracted-teeth

Immediate partial dentures I did this week

This 68 year old patient broke his 3 front teeth. Unfortunately the teeth were broken below the gumline and non-restorable, and we had to extract them. We placed dental implants at the time of extraction and I made him a temporary partial denture to use for 4 months while he is healing.  After healing and the dental implants have osseointegrated, I will place fixed crowns on top of the implants, and cement them in place.

before- broken off front teeth
after-with partial denture in
temporary partial denture

This 65 year old patient broke his front tooth off biting into corn on the cob at his office picnic party. I was able to glue the tooth back in temporarily while I made him a temporary partial denture. We then extracted the remaining root and placed an implant. In a few months after the implant has fully osseointegrated  I will make the permanent fixed cemented implant tooth crown.

before after misssingtooth                  xrayrootbrokentooth brokentooth2    


Emergency case of the day

This patient fell and knocked out his front teeth and broke his 30 year old bridge off.  I was able to make him a temporary upper partial denture in one day so he didn’t have to miss much work. I will replace the broken metal on his old crown in his mouth with a nice porcelain crown and place dental implants in the future.

knocked out teeth
before view
after partial
much better
temporary partial denture

partial dentures- examples

This patient lost his 2 lower central incisors. We placed a bone graft to build up his lower jaw, and I made him an immediate partial denture while he heals. We will place dental implants in 3-4 months.


In this next case I made an upper partial denture to replace 5 upper front teeth.


For this patient I made a partial denture to replace her lower molars

partial denture

Complete Dentures


Dentures are removable appliances that can replace missing teeth and help restore your smile. If you’ve lost all of your natural teeth, whether from gum disease, tooth decay or injury, replacing missing teeth will benefit your appearance and your health. That’s because dentures make it easier to eat and speak better than you could without teeth—things that people often take for granted.

When you lose all of your teeth, facial muscles can sag, making you look older. Dentures can help fill out the appearance of your face and profile. They can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth so that your appearance does not change much. Dentures may even improve the look of your smile.

Types of dentures:

  • Conventional. This full removable denture is made and placed in your mouth after the remaining teeth are removed and tissues have healed, which may take several months.
  • Immediate. This removable denture is inserted on the same day that the remaining teeth are removed. Your dentist will take measurements and make models of your jaw during a preliminary visit. You don’t have to be without teeth during the healing period,  the denture will need to be relined or remade after your jaw has healed.
  • Overdenture. Sometimes some of your teeth can be saved to preserve your jawbone and provide stability and support for the denture. An overdenture fits over a small number of remaining natural teeth after they have been prepared by your dentist. Implants can serve the same function, too.

New dentures may feel awkward for a few weeks until you become accustomed to them. The dentures may feel loose while the muscles of your cheek and tongue learn to keep them in place. It is not unusual to experience minor irritation or soreness. You may find that saliva flow temporarily increases. As your mouth becomes accustomed to the dentures, these problems should go away. Follow-up appointments are generally needed after a denture is inserted so the fit can be checked and adjusted.

Even if you wear full dentures, you still have to practice good dental hygiene. Brush your gums, tongue and roof of your mouth every morning with a soft-bristled brush before you insert your dentures to stimulate circulation in your tissues and help remove plaque.

Dr. Gentry’s photos of one of his immediate complete upper denture cases.

Broken off decayed upper teeth
Panoramic x-ray showing teeth.
Upper immediate denture made from dental impressions.
Upper teeth extracted.
Immediate full upper complete denture placed the same visit of extractions.



Immediate partial denture cases

In these 2 examples of immediate partial dentures, Dr. Gentry extracts the patients broken, decayed, hopeless teeth and places the partial denture at the same visit. Following healing dental implants, fixed bridges or a flexible partial denture will be fabricated.

broken, decayed teeth
I extracted 6 teeth
immediately placed the partial denture
happy patient leaves with teeth right after
The partial denture was made before the teeth were extracted so she was never without teeth.

Another extraction and immediate partial denture case of Dr. Gentry’s replacing one upper front tooth.

broken tooth
His tooth is removed and denture placed same visit